PJ visits disputed land in Ntungamo
Hon. Justice Dr Zeija(M) seated, addressing members during his locus visit in Ntungamo
Amidst his busy schedule in western Uganda of overseeing the implementation of Plea Bargain at Mbarara High Court Circuit and inspection tours in Western Uganda,the Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija, on Monday (July 13, 2020)visited locus in one of the matters he is handling.
The case is civil suit number 0181 of 2011 where Mr. Naphtali Begumya & another sued Mr. Tumushabe Jonah and others to recover land and the developments, which makeup part of Ntungamo High School.
After inspecting the land, the PJ told the parties that the purpose of the locus visit was to study the evidence rendered in court as well as hear evidence from the last defense witness who is physically handicapped and was unable to be produced in court during the hearing.
The parties had to observe standard guidelines issued by Ministry of Health to observe social distancing, wearing of masks and sanitization of persons as well as the furniture.
The court set September 11, 2020 as the date when judgment in the matter will be delivered after advocates of both parties have filed written submissions.
Posted 13th, July 2020